
2017-4-6Browse times:26月術86
My company by the city sani生頻tation Association review 就風and approval of the影筆 company's service philosophy間制 is: customer satis時對faction and create all the value center要小; the company's management policy is: h黑來ealth and environmental protectio友器n, professional mainte還海nance, excellence, le技家ading technology, waterproof線電, indoor and outdoor decoration,影我 high wall cleaning, ex如輛terior wall renovatio生子n, building waterproof, exteri動小or lighting and environmental 金行engineering installation, f行熱loor waxing polishing, all kinds of遠快 stone crystal face c光微are and renovat笑低ion treatment.

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Contact Us

Contact: manager Jia務街ng
Telephone: 86-755-27780629
Mobile: 13302483273 13923439505
Meizhou office: 13824562059為機
Address: Guangdong為頻, Shenzhen, China, all 吧睡the way to the top o技線f the building 1702, Lida 了司building, room
E-mail:admin@szfsbl.com  szbajhl@163.com

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